Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Agnihotra and Combustion Sciences

Agnihotra is one of the five great duties (panchamahayajna) of every householder. Even in the student life, a brahmachari is expected to perform the same in his/her gurukula. It has been an integral part of the Indian tradition that every marriage ceremony includes agnihotra. So much so that the young man and woman, as the bridegroom and the bride, conduct the same as their very first act together soon after taking the vows to live together. It is also called by the names of devayajna, havana and homa. The last word homa is interesting that it sounds similar to the word home in the English language. Could it be that a house is worthy to be called home only if homa is conducted therein everyday!

Vedic seers invented the fire for the benefit of the mankind. While life without fire is unthinkable in the present times when almost all the technical gadgets perform with the help of the fire only - directly or indirectly. Of course, the sun is the primary source of energy for all the inhabitants on the earth, and the sun is nothing but a huge fireball in itself. The man-made transportation systems on land, air, sea, undersea and space function with the help of myriad of engines that utilize the thermal energy of one fuel or another through a fire in its combustion chamber.

Thermal power plants generate electricity through a fire only. And, most importantly, we eat so many kinds of dishes after cooking them on fire. Thus, the ability to generate fire at our will must have been the foremost invention of the Vedic seers long ago in the faculty of the material sciences. Indeed, the very first word of the Rigveda, the very first book in the library of the mankind is agni, meaning fire, in addition to many other things.

But the most remarkable thing for the Vedic seers to invent is the ritual of agnihotra. It demonstrates their understanding of the fire to the extent that they made it mandatory for everyone, twice a day. Prima facie, it sounds senseless to put the useful and valuable substances into the fire. This is what will be discussed briefly, and at the end we would be left with an appreciation for the great ingenuity of the ancient Vedic seers.

The Rishis in ancient India understood the mechanism of fire, its ability to break up the substances into vapor phase, and the related buoyancy and other aerodynamic effects that it can be used as a mechanism to cleanse the air both indoor and outdoor. They knew the principle of Conservation of Mass, what is stated in the modern terminology as “No mass is created or destroyed.” They knew that the oblations of different substances that are put into the fire may appear to vanish, but they don’t vanish in the truest sense. They merely become difficult to be seen by the naked eye because they have been transformed into vapor phase. It’s as simple as evaporation of water that becomes invisible but it continues to exist in the form of the water vapor. Indeed this is what causes rainmaking clouds.

Vedic seers made the ritual of agnihotra, a multi-dimensionally useful affair. It became a spiritually enlightening experience because the selected verses from the Vedas and other allied Vedic literature were recited during the course of agnihotra. It became a family/community affair strengthening the bond of love among one another because it is performed in a group. Of course, it cleanses the air both within the room and outside too. Thus, it is the most ancient science to fight air pollution even in those days when man was polluting the air and water to minimum extent, certainly several thousand times less than what he is doing today. Agnihotra can elevate us in all the domains of body, prana, mind, intellect, and the innermost spirit too. It encompasses all the meanings that are conveyed by the word yajna. The word is derived from the root yaj that stands for devapuja sangatikarana danesu. That is, Yajna is a karma that should be 1) in due honor of devas, both sentient and insentient, 2) an assembly of noble souls, and 3) in the nature of sacrifice.

Agnihotra can truly be characterized as a Yajna because first, it is for cleansing of air, a devata of insentient nature. Furthermore, it enhances the characteristics of the herbal substances (that are also devatas in nature) multifold, as we will see later. Two, it is a group activity when a number of people assemble together with a positive frame of mind and intellect. Three, it amounts to making a sacrifice from a personal point of view though the benefits of the same would be obtained by all beings in general. The oblations of many valuable substances are offered into the fire, which amounts to sacrifice. The Verses are chanted with the endings of “idam na mama”, i.e. this is not mine. This reinforces in mind that all the material possessions of ours in the world are actually not quite proprietary in nature; it is merely for the purposes of transfer and diffusion to others in keeping into the spirit that all the wealth is actually that of the creator - He is the true Creator and Owner. What follows is a brief description of agnihotra from the combustion sciences point of view. It is assumed that the readers are familiar with the ritual of agnihotra as such.

Understanding the Essentials of Combustion

Combustion is said to occur if a fuel is oxidized (generally by the atmospheric oxygen) giving rise to thermal energy. Typically, mere presence of the fuel and oxygen does not lead to combustion. For example, there is fuel and oxygen present in the automotive fuel tank but no combustion takes place therein. It must be initiated by a source of ignition - what a spark plug does in a gasoline engine or a lighted matchstick may do in the fuel tank.

Once the combustion takes place, thermal heat is produced that was inherent in the particular fuel. This gives rise to increase in temperature. Some fuels release much more energy than some other fuels. For example, typical hydrocarbons fuels such as methane, propane, gasoline, diesel, etc. have their thermal energy in the range of 10,000 calories per gram of fuel, called Calorific Value of the fuel. Upon combustion (that is, oxidation by atmospheric oxygen) the final temperatures may be as high as 2500 degree Celsius, called the adiabatic flame temperature of the particular fuel. There are fuels that have smaller calorific values such as cellulose materials, wood being one of them. Typical firewood may have calorific value around 3000 calories per gram of fuel - about one-third of the hydrocarbon fuel. This is easy to understand because hydrocarbon fuels have only carbon and hydrogen atoms in their molecular structure while cellulose materials have oxygen atoms too in addition to the carbon and hydrogen atoms. That means that the molecular structure of cellulose materials has embedded oxygen atoms. In other words, they are partly oxidized within their molecular structure and upon combustion they can be further oxidized by the atmospheric oxygen to the remaining lesser extent only. Hence their calorific value is much lower. Upon combustion, they are likely to cause maximum temperatures in the range of 800 - 1200 degree Celsius only.

Upon complete combustion, we expect formation of carbon dioxide and water vapor as the products. Due to the deficiency in the availability of oxygen, or other possible reasons some fuel remains unburned, or gets only partially oxidized to carbon monoxide. Unburned fuel and carbon monoxide are considered undesirable pollutants for the atmosphere. Also, if the combustion gives rise to high temperatures in the range of 2000 degree Celsius or above then the atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen may react with each other, forming the oxides of nitrogen - another family of undesirable pollutants. Thus, we can see that while combustion of a fuel gives rise to thermal energy, it produces some undesirable pollutants such as unburned fuel, carbon monoxide and the oxides of nitrogen. Nowadays, when man is using energy in greatly unchecked manner even carbon dioxide is considered as undesirable because of it being one of the so-called greenhouse gases.

Combustion in Agnihotra

Agnihotra consists of a base fire generated in a specially designed vessel built/fixed on the surface of the level ground. Burning firewood of certain specified characteristics forms the base fire. Firewood being a cellulose material has much lower calorific value. The base fire has much lower temperatures than in the typical engines. To this base fire, certain substances are added periodically in the form of oblations. Purified butter (ghrtam) and several herbal substances are added into the base fire. Maharsi Dayananda Sarasvati (1824-’83) has stated in Satyartha-Prakasa that the herbal substances to be added into agnihotra should be 1) wholesome, i.e. health givers, 2) anti-bacterial, 3) aroma-builders, i.e. deodorants, and 4) sweeteners.

It should be emphasized that the purpose of agnihotra is not to burn the substances that are added in the form of oblations, rather it is to vaporize them, i.e. to heat them just to the extent that they are transformed into vapor phase. Thereby they diffuse into the surrounding air and transform the air quality. Coupled with the buoyancy and aerodynamic effects due to the thermal energy released by the base fire, the vaporized substances traverse to all nooks and corners of the enclosed room. In other words, the base fire is utilized to convert the herbal substances into gaseous phase, and furthermore, to aerodynamically transport the same to the entire surroundings in a most effective manner. The buoyancy forces enhance the transport processes.

It must happen that a fraction of the substances added as oblations do go through combustion process, especially so must be true with ghrtam. Their effects upon combustion is not expected to be harmful to the atmosphere because they are carefully chosen to bear one or more of the above four characteristics

Overall result of the agnihotra is that the desirable substances can be inhaled through the nostrils by one and all. This mechanism of intake as opposed to the direct means through the mouth (in the liquid and solid phase) is more efficient by a factor of several hundreds. Also, it seems to be the only way to cleanse the indoor air. As opposed to a typical air freshener, which simply attempts to neutralize the stale air, agnihotra drives the indoor air out thereby causing outdoor fresh air to move in. In addition to this, it effectively neutralizes the stale indoor air as explained by the characteristics of the herbal substances utilized.

Let us now discuss the production of pollutants by the base fire, if any. As we have said, the base fire is generated by burning firewood, which has lower calorific value than the typical hydrocarbon fuels. This ensures lower temperatures when oxides of nitrogen cannot be formed. The design of the vessel ensures plenty of oxygen and the amount of firewood burned is to the minimum extent so that carbon monoxide is minimal, as well as the unburned hydrocarbons. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas is definitely formed, and therefore, it is suggested that the agnihotra ought to be performed during and after sunrise, and well before sunset in an area with sufficient green cover. Such local surroundings ensure that the carbon dioxide is well utilized by the green cover in the vicinity to give rise to oxygen and greenery. In the presence of sunlight the vegetation converts the carbon dioxide into oxygen.

In the modern times, our life style gives rise to formation of carbon dioxide in very large proportions. In the olden days, carbon dioxide was not an undesirable combustion product. Though its control is required now, by any means agnihotra should not be criticized for the same. We should concentrate on other sources of carbon dioxide because agnihotra has many advantages in the context of air pollution. We are not aware of any other method to purify the air once that has been polluted by us. This requirement is of enormous proportion for the indoor air because that is what we breathe in most of the time. This is becoming increasingly important because the modern man is increasingly spending more time indoor, and his life style is doing more and more harm to the environment. In the given circumstances, agnihotra has become much more desirable. The air fresheners that are commercially available cannot purify the indoor air. Their purpose can be very limited to reduce the undesirable foul odor, and even for that purpose their side effects have to be fully understood.

The ancient Rishis had truly understood that Agni is a devata of insentient type because of its ability to return the substances to us in a form that magnifies the positive effects thereof by many hundred times. According to Yaska, a devata or a deva is one who gives us useful things, light or knowledge. In that sense agnihotra is a ritual to perform devapuja, and hence it is called devayajna too.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

कुंडलिनी - कोष - ग्रंथि भेद

कुंडलिनी का महत्व

कुंडलिनी शक्ति समस्त ब्रह्मांड में परिव्याप्त सार्वभौमिक शक्ति है जो प्रसुप्तावस्था में प्रत्येक जीव में विद्यमान रहती है। इसको प्रतीक रूप से साढ़े तीन कुंडल लगाए सर्प जो मूलाधार चक्र में सो रहा है के माध्यम से अभिव्यक्त किया जाता है।
तीन कुंडल प्रकृति के तीन गुणों के परिचायक हैं। ये हैं :-
सत्व (परिशुद्धता),
रजस (क्रियाशीतता और वासना) तथा
तमस (जड़ता और अंधकार
अर्द्ध कुंडल इन गुणों के प्रभाव (विकृति) का परिचायक है। कुंडलिनी योग के अभ्यास से सुप्त कुंडलिनी को जाग्रत कर इसे सुषम्ना में स्थित चक्रों का भेंदन कराते हुए सहस्रार तक ले जाया जाता है।

मनुष्य शरीर में मेरु -दंड छोटे -छोटे ३३ अस्थि खण्डों से मिलकर बना है | संतों के ऐसी मान्यता है की यह ३३ देवताओ का [८ वसु ,११ रूद्र ,१२ आदित्य ,ईंद्र और प्रजापति ] प्रति निधित्व करता है | इसमें उनकी शक्तियां बीज -रूप में उपस्थित रहती हैं | इसमें ईडा [ चंद्र नाड़ी ,नेगेटिव ] ; पिंगला [ सूर्य नाडी ,पोजीटीव ]
एवम दोनों के मिलने से सुषुम्ना तीसरी शक्ति पैदा होती है | यह त्रिवेणी मस्तिष्क के मध्य केंद्र से , ब्रह्मरन्ध्र से ,व् सहस्रार कमल से संबधित है | तथा मेरु दंड नुकीले अंत पर समाप्त हो जाती है | सुषुम्ना में वज्रा ,वज्रा में चित्रणी , और चित्रणी में ब्रह्म -नाडी रहती है | यह मस्तिष्क में पहुंचकर हजारों भागों में फैल जाती है | इसे सहस्र -दल कमल भी कहते हैं | विष्णुजी की शय्या शेषजी के हजारों फंनों पर होने का अलंकार भी इसी से लिया गया है | ब्रह्म -नाड़ी मेरु दंड के अंतिम भाग के पास एक काले वर्ण के शटकोण  वाले परमाणु से लिपटकर बंध जाती है | शरीर में प्राण इसी नाडी से बंधे रहते हैं | इसके गुंथन -स्थल को ' कुंडलिनी " कहते हैं | इसके साढ़े -तीन लपेटे हैं व मुंह नीचे को है |
इसको गुप्त शक्तियों की तिजोरी कहा जा सकता है | इसके छ: ताले लगे हुए है | इन्हें छ: चक्र [ मूलाधार, स्वाधिष्ठान  ,मणिपुर ,अनाहत ,विशुद्ध , आज्ञा कहते हैं | इनका वेधन करके जीव कुंडलिनी को जागृत कर सकता है |
इस भगवती कुंडलिनी की कृपा से साधक को सब कलाएं ,सब सिद्धियाँ प्राप्त हो जाती हैं | उसके लिए कोई वस्तु अप्राप्य नहीं रहती | इसे जागृत करना एक विज्ञान है  | गीता [ शलोक ६ /१४ ] में भगवान वज्रासन से कुण्डलिनी जागरण की विधि समझा रहे हैं | आसन की उष्णता से यह शक्ति जागृत होती है | जैसे कोई नागिन का सपोला कुंकुम में नहाया हो और गिंडी मारकर सो रहा हो | वैसी वह छोटी सी कुण्डलिनी साढ़े तीन गिंडी मारकर नीचे मुंह किये हुई सर्पिनी सी सोई रहती है | वह वज्रासन के दबाव से जग जाती है |
जैसे चारों और अग्नि के बीज में से अंकुर फूटे हों | वैसी वह शक्ति गिंडी को छोड़कर घूमती हुई नाभि -स्थान पर दिखाई देती है | वह हृदय -कमल के नीचे की वायु को चपेट लेती है | वह पृथ्वी व जल तत्व को खा डालती है | तब पूर्ण तृप्त होती है व सुषुम्ना नाडी के पास शांत हो रहती है | इस प्रकार इडा व पिंगला नाडियों के मिल जाने से ,तीनों ग्रंथियां खुल जाती है एवं चक्रों की छहों कलियाँ खिल जाती है | उस अवस्था में उपर की ओर से चंद्रामृत का सरोवर धीरे से कनिया कर कुण्डलिनी के मुंह में गिरता है | उससे शरीर में तेज प्रकट होता है | जैसे मानो आत्म -ज्योति का लिंग ही साफ़ कर रखा हो | मानो वह मूर्ति -मान शांति का ही स्वरूप हो तथा संतोष -रूपी वृक्ष का पौधा रोपा गया हो | या मूर्ति मान अग्नि ही स्वयम आसन पर बैठी हो | कुण्डलिनी जब चंद्रामृत पीती है तो साधक का शरीर ऐसा हो जाता है ,हथेलियाँ व तलुवे रक्त -कमल के समान हो जाते हैं |इस अवस्था में साधक को अनेक सिद्धियाँ प्राप्त हो जाती हैं | जब कुण्डलिनी मन व प्राण के साथ ह्रदय [ ब्रह्म - रंध्र ] में प्रवेश करती है , जहां चैतन्य निवास करता है , उस ह्रदय - रुपी भवन में यह कुण्डलिनी अपना तेज [ प्रकाश ] छोड़ देती है तथा प्राण रूप में स्थापित हो जाती है | मानो बिजली चमक कर आकाश में विलीन हो गई हो अथवा प्रकाश -रुपी झरना हृदय रुपी जमीन में समा गया हो | वैसे ही उस शक्ति का रूप शक्ति में ही लुप्त हो जाता है | इस प्रकार पिंड से पिंड का ग्रास का जो अभिप्राय है , यहाँ उसीका वर्णनं किया गया है | अर्थार्त ह्रदय में पृथ्वी तत्व को जल तत्व गला देता है , जल को तेज [ अग्नि ] सुखा देता है ,और तेज को वायु तत्व बुझा देता है | केवल वायु तत्व रह जाता है ,जो कुछ काल बाद आकाश में जा मिलता है तथा आत्मा परमात्मा में मिल जाता है | इसे ही ब्रह्म - प्राप्ति कहा गया है | वैराग्य एवं स्व -धर्म आचरण से ही ब्रह्म प्राप्ति की योग्यता प्राप्त हो सकती है |

महिषासुर मर्दिनी

हट - योग से कुंडलिनी जागरण को शास्त्रों में महिशासुर व देवी दुर्गा के युद्ध के प्रतीक रूप में बताया है |मन रुपी महिषासुर चंडी रुपी कुंडलिनी से लड़ने लगता है | देवी क्रुद्ध होकर  उसके वाहन महिष [ मन के संस्कारों ] को चबा डालती है | अंत में महिषासुर [ मन ] का वध होने पर वह चंडी की ज्योति में मिल जाता है | महाशक्ति का अंश होकर मुक्ति को प्राप्त कर लेता है |

कुंडलिनी  जागरण से ब्रह्म - रंध्र में ईश्वरीय दिव्य शक्ति के दर्शनं होते हैं और गुप्त सिद्धियाँ प्राप्त होती हैं | इसी बात को भगवान गीता [ श्लोक ६ /११ से श्लोक ६ /१६ ] में अष्टांग - योग में ,प्राणायाम द्वारा सिद्ध करने की विधि बताते हैं |

योग -वशिष्ट में आया है की मन का ब्रहम के साथ तादात्म्य संबंध है , ब्रह्म ही मन का आकार धारण करता है | अत: मन में अपार शक्तियां है | भगवान ने गीता में [ श्लोक १० /२२ ] भी मन को अपनी विभूति कहा है | परन्तु यह भी बताया की मैं  [ श्लोक १५ / १५ ; १८ / ६१ ; १० / २० ] सबके हृदय में सिथत हूँ | इससे ऐसा प्रतीत होता है की जहां हृदय शब्द कहा है , वहाँ उनका मतलब मन [ ब्रह्म - रंध्र ] से ही लेना चाहिए | अन्यत्र भी ब्रह्म - रंध्र में ही [ ब्रह्म { शिव } एवं कुंडलिनी { शक्ति } ] का मिलन बताया गया है |

मानव शरीर का महत्व

इस मानव देह में आत्मा के पांच आवरण हैं ,वे ही कोष कहलाते हैं | इन्हीं कोशों में अनंत शक्तियां [रिद्धि ,सिद्धि आदि ] छिपी हुई है , जिन्हें पाकर जीव धन्य हो जाता है | जो इनके रहस्य को जानता है ,वह निश्चय ही परम गति को प्राप्त करता है | वे निम्न हैं:-
[१ ] अन्नमय कोष:- मानव शरीर अन्न से बनता है अत: स्थूल शरीर को अन्नमय कोष कहा गया है | आसन ,उपवास ,तत्व -शुद्धि ,और तपश्या से इसकी शुद्धि होती है |
[२] प्राण -मय कोष:- अनमय कोष के भीतर प्रान-मय कोष है | पांच महाप्राण तथा पांच लघु प्राण से यह बना है | बांध, मुद्रा ,और प्राणायाम द्वारा यह कोष सिद्ध होता है |
[३] मनोमय - कोष:- चेतना का केन्द्र मन माना जाता है | इसके वश में होते ही महान अंत: शक्ति पैदा होती है | ध्यान ,त्राटक ,जप की साधना करने से मनोमय कोष अत्यंत उज्जवल
हो जाता है
[४] विज्ञान -मय कोष:- शरीर व् संसार का ठीक -ठीक ,पूरा -पूरा ज्ञान होने को ही विज्ञान कहा है | सो-अहम की साधना ,आत्म -अनुभूति और ग्रंथि -भेद की सिद्धि से विज्ञान -मय कोष प्रबुद्ध होता है |
[५] आनंद -मय कोष:- आनंद आवरण की उन्नति से अत्यंत शान्ति को देने वाली तुरिया -अवस्था साधक को प्राप्त होती है | नाद ,बिंदु ,और कला की पूर्ण साधना से साधक में
आनंद -मय कोष जागृत होता है |
विज्ञान -मय कोष आत्मा की निकटता के कारण अत्यंत प्रकाश -मय है | इसी में अहंता ,ममता ,कर्मफल ,करता -भोक्ता ,जाग्रत ,स्वप्न ,आदि अव्स्थायं ,सुख ,दू:ख ,रहते हैं |
भगवान की अनन्य -भक्ति से संसार से विरक्ती [ श्लोक १३ /१० ] का भाव हो जाता है एवं तत्व -ज्ञान की प्राप्ति हो जाती है | भक्त कभी भी अज्ञानी नहीं रहता ,उसे तो सब कुछ
भगवान की कृपा से मिल जाता है |
इस संसार में केवल मनुष्य -योनी ही कर्म -योनी होती है ,शेष सभी योनियाँ भोग -योनियाँ कहलाती हैं |

ग्रंथि - भेद

विज्ञान-मय कोष में तीन बंधन हैं ,जो भौतिक शरीर न रहने पर भी देव , गंधर्व ,यक्ष , भूत , पिशाच , आदि यौनिओ में भी वैसे ही बंधन बंधे रहते हैं | इन्हें रूद्र [ तम ] , विष्णु [ सत ] और बहम [ रज ] ग्रंथियां कहते हैं | अर्थात तम ,रज सत द्वारा स्थूल , सूक्ष्म , और कारण शरीर बने हुऐ हैं | इन तीन ग्रंथियों से ही जीव बंधा हुआ है | इन तीनों को खोलने की जिम्मेदारी का नाम ही पितृ - ऋण ,ऋषि -ऋण व देव -ऋण कहलाता है | तम को प्रकृति , रज को जीव और सत को आत्मा कहते हैं | संसार में तम को सांसारिक जीवन , रज को व्यक्तिगत जीवन व सत को आध्यात्मिक जीवन कह सकते हैं | देश ,जाती , और समाज के प्रति अपने कर्तव्य का पालन करना पितृ -ऋण से ,पूर्व -वर्ती लोगों के उपकारों से उरिण होने का मार्ग है | व्यक्तिगत जीवन को शारीरिक ,बौधिक और आर्थिक शक्तियों से सम्पन बनाना , अपने को मनुष्य - सुलभ गुणों से युक्त बनाना ऋषि ऋण से छूटना है | स्वाध्याय, सत्संग ,भक्ति ,चिंतन ,मनन ,आदि साधनाओं द्वारा काम ,क्रोध ,लोभ ,मोह ,मद ,मत्सर आदि को हटाकर आत्मा को निर्मल ,देव -तुल्य बनाना ,यह देव -ऋण से उरिण होना है |

साधक को विग्यान -मय कोष में तीनों गांठों का अनुभव होता है | प्रथम मूत्राशय के समीप [ रूद्र ] ,दूसरी आमाशय के उपर भाग में [ विष्णु ] और तीसरी शिर के मध्य केंद्र में [ब्रह्म ] ग्रंथि कहलाती है | इन्हें दूसरे शब्दों में महाकाली , महालक्ष्मी , महासरस्वती भी कहते हैं | प्रत्येक की दो दो सहायक ग्रन्थियाँ होती हैं | इन्हें चक्र भी कहते हैं |रूद्र की [ मूलाधार , स्वाधिष्ठान ] , विष्णु की [ मणिपुर , अनाहत ] , ब्रहम की [ विशुधि , आज्ञा ] चक्र कहा जाता है | हट -योग की विधि से भी इन छ: चक्रों का वेधन [ छिद्रण ] किया जाता है | सिद्धों ने इन ग्रंथियों की अंदर की झांकी के अनुसार शिव , विष्णु और ब्रह्मा के चित्रों का निरूपण किया है | एक ही ग्रंथी ,दायें भाग से देखने पर पुरुष - प्रधान ,व बाएं भाग से देखने पर स्त्री -प्रधान आकार की होती है | 

ब्रह्म - ग्रंथि मध्य -मस्तिष्क में है | इससे उपर सहस्रार शतदल कमल है | यह ग्रंथि उपर से चतुष्कोण [ चार कोने ] और नीचे से फ़ैली हुई है | इसका नीचे का एक तंतु ब्रह्म -रंध्र से जुडा हुआ है | इसी को सहस्रार -मुख वाले शेष -नाग की शयया पर सोते हुए भगवान की नाभि -कमल से उत्पन चार मुख वाला ब्रह्मा चित्रित किया गया है | वाम भाग में यही ग्रंथि चतुर्भुजी सरस्वती है | वीणा की झंकार से ओंकार - ध्वनी का यहाँ निरंतर गुंजार होता है |  यही तीन ग्रंथियां ,जीव को बांधे हुए हैं | जब ये खुल जाती हैं ,तो मुक्ति का अधिकार अपने आप मिल जाता है | इन रत्न -राशियों के मिलते ही शक्ति , सम्पनता ,और प्रज्ञा का अटूट भण्डार हाथ में आ जाता है | ये शक्तियां सम - दर्शी हैं | रावण जैसे असुरों ने भी शंकर जी से वरदान पाए थे | परन्तु अनेक देवताओं को भी यह सफलता नहीं मिली | इसमें साधक का पुरुषार्थ ही प्रधान है |

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


१. उद्यमेन हि सिद्ध्यंति कार्याणि न मनोरथै । नहि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य प्रविशन्ति मुखे मृगा : ॥

Jobs are done only by taking actions not by just wish, animals will not become food for the sleeping Lion. (Only with industry and effort are works done. Animals never themselves enter lion's mouth)

प्रयत्न करने से ही कार्य पूरा होता है न कि चाहने मात्र से, सोते हुए शेर के मुँह में अपने आप (भोजन बन कर) जानवर नहीं घुसते ।

२. अपि स्वर्णमयी लंका न मे रोचते लक्ष्मण । जननि जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसि ॥

Even Lanka is made of gold, it doesn't attract me O Lakshman, (Who gave me birth) my mother birthplace is dearer to me then heaven.

हे लक्ष्मण ! मुझे सोने की लंका भी नहीं लुभाती, जन्म देने वाली जन्मभूमि मेरे लिये स्वर्ग से भी अधिक श्रेष्ठ है ।

३. प्रियो भवति दानेन प्रियवादेन चापरः । मन्त्रंमूलबलेनान्यो यः प्रियः प्रिय एव सः ॥

People remain dear to us either by receiving gifts or by listening pleasing words. Some other can be made dear by reciting spells but who is genuinely dear to us, He/She will remain close to us (without above said techniques).

कुछ लोग उपहार देने पर प्रिय बनते हैं जबकि कुछ मनोहर बातों से, कुछ अन्य मन्त्रबल से प्रिय बनते हैं, पर जिन्हें आप प्रिय हैं, वो आपके प्रिय ही हैं (बिना कुछ किये ही)
४. आचार्यात् पादमादते पादं शिष्यः स्वमेधया । पादं सब्रह्मचारिभ्यः पादं कालक्रमेण च ॥

A student learns a quarter from teacher, a quarter from own intelligence, a quarter from fellow students, and the rest in course of time.

एक पाद शिक्षा आचार्य से, एक पाद शिष्य की अपनी मेधा से; एक पाद अपने जैसे ब्रह्मचारियों से और एक पाद शिक्षा समय के साथ मिलती है ।

यहाँ पाद से अर्थ Quadrant (वृत्त के चतुर्थ) भाग से है ।

५. जलबिन्दुनिपातेन क्रमशः पूर्यते घटः । स हेतुः सर्वविद्यानां धर्मस्य च धनस्य च ॥

- हितोपदेश, सुहृद्भेद

With each drop of water the pitcher gradually gets filled. Similarly knowledge, merit and wealth are acquired.

जल की बूँदें गिरने से जैसे धीरे-धीरे घडा भर जाता है; उसी प्रकार, सभी विद्या, गुण-धर्म और सम्पदा धीरे-धीरे अर्जित होती हैं ।

६. विवाहात पूर्वं नेत्रे आवृते कुरु तत्पश्चात अर्धावृतं कुरु ।

Before marriage, keep your eyes fully open, after marriage keep them half open only.

विवाह से पहले अपनी आँखें पूरी खुली और विवाह के बाद आधी खुली रखो ।
७. ॐ यन्तु नद्यो वर्षन्तु पर्जन्या, सुपिप्पला औषधयो भवन्तु,
अन्नवताम् मोदान्न्वताम् मामिक्षवताम्, एषाम् राजाभूयासम् ।
पर्मेष्ठीवा एषा यदोदनाह ॥

८. मा भ्राता भ्रातरं दिक्षण, मास्वसारमुतस्वसा,
सम्यन्च सव्रता भूत्वा, वाचं वदत भद्रया ।
परमामै वैयाम्श्रियम गमयति ॥

९. ॐ ब्रह्मार्पणम् ब्रह्महविः ब्रह्माऽग्नौ ब्रह्मणाऽहुतम् । ब्रह्मैव तेन गंतव्यम् ब्रह्मकर्म समाधिनः ॥

१०. ॐ सहनाववतु सहनौ भुनक्तु सह वीर्यं करवावहै । तेजस्विनावधि तमस्तु माविद्विषावहै ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
११. विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् । पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् ||

Knowledge gives modesty, through modesty comes worthiness. By worthiness one gets prosperity and from prosperity faith/ virtue and then there is happiness.

विद्या से विनय आती है, विनय से योग्यता आती है । योग्यता से धन आता है धन से धर्म और उसके बाद सुख आता है ।

१२. उष्ट्राणां विवाहेषु , गीतं गायन्ति गर्दभाः । परस्परं प्रशंसन्ति , अहो रूपं अहो ध्वनिः ।।

In camel's marriage ceremony, Donkeys are singing songs. They admire each other by saying Wow great beauty! Wow great singing.

ऊंटों के विवाह में, गधे गीत गाते हैं । एक दूसरे की बढाई करते हैं, वाह क्या सुंदरता है, वाह क्या गाना है ॥

१३. अभिवादनशीलस्य नित्यम् वृद्धोपसेविनः । चत्वारि तस्य वर्धन्ते आयुर्विद्यायशोबलम् ॥

He who respects and do service to elders/ old people. Four of his things keep growing, His age, knowledge, fame and power.

जो प्रतिदिन बडों को अभिवादन और सेवा करता है, उसकी आयु, विद्या, यश और बल ये चार बढते हैं।

१४. नाभिषेको न च संस्कारः, सिंहस्य कृयते मृगैः । विक्रमार्जित सत्वस्य, स्व्यमेव मृगेन्द्रता ॥

Animals neither do coronation, nor any ritual for Lion. Lion himself by his valor becomes King of all animals.

जानवरों ने शेर का ना कोई अभिषेक किया है ना कोई संस्कार । उसने (शेर ने) अपने आप पराक्रम से अपने आप को जानवरों का राजा बनाया है ।

१५. काकचेष्टा वकोध्यानं श्वाननिद्रा तथैव च | अल्पाहारी गृह्त्यागी विद्यार्थी पंचलक्षणम् ।।

Efforts like a crow, concentration like a heron and sleep like a dog, little diet, who sacrifices his home, these are five virtues of a scholar.

कौवे जैसा प्रयत्न, बगुले जैसा ध्यान और कुत्ते जैसी नींद, कम खाने वाला, घर छोडने वाला, ये पांच विद्यार्थी के लक्षण हैं ।

१६. सुखार्थी वा त्यजेत विद्या , विद्यार्थी वा त्यजेत सुखम । सुखार्थिनः कुतो विद्या , विद्यार्थिनः कुतो सुखम ॥

If you are seeking pleasure then give up search for knowledge, If you are a scholar then give up pleasure. There is no knowledge for pleasure seeker and no pleasure for a scholar.

सुख चाहते हो तो विद्या त्याग देना चाहिये, अगर विद्या चाहते हो तो सुख छोड देना चहिये । सुख ढूंढ्ने वाले को विद्या कहाँ, विद्यार्थी को सुख कहाँ ।

१७. सत्यं ब्रूयात् प्रियं ब्रूयात् , न ब्रूयात् सत्यमप्रियम् । प्रियं च नानृतम् ब्रूयात् , एष धर्मः सनातन: ॥

Tell the truth, tell sweet words But do not tell offensive truth, Do not tell a lie even if it is sweet, This is the eternal virtue.

सत्य बोलना चाहिये, प्रिय बोलना चाहिये, किन्तु अप्रिय सत्य नहीं बोलना चाहिये । झूठ प्रिय हो तब भी नहीं बोलना चाहिये यही सनातन धर्म है ।

१८. अष्टादस पुराणेषु , व्यासस्य वचनं द्वयम् । परोपकारः पुण्याय , पापाय परपीडनम् ॥

In all of 18 Puranas, There are only two sentences from Vyas. Philanthropy/ charity (Service for others) is to get virtue and hurt others to get sins.

अट्ठारह पुराणों में व्यास के दो ही वचन हैं, पुण्य के लिये परोपकार है और पाप के लिये दूसरों को दुःख ।

१९. पिबन्ति नद्यः स्वमेय नोदकं , स्वयं न खादन्ति फलानि वृक्षाः । धाराधरो वर्षति नात्महेतवे , परोपकाराय सतां विभूतयः ।।

Rivers don't drink their own waters, Trees don't eat their own fruits. Clouds do not rain for themselves. Saints/ Good people are for others good.

नदियाँ स्वयं अपना पानी नहीं पीती हैं, वृक्ष अपने फल स्वयं नहीं खाते हैं। बादल अपने लिये वर्षा नहीं करते हैं, सन्त परोपकार के लिये होते हैं ।

२०. येषां न विद्या न तपो न दानं , ज्ञानं न शीलं न गुणो न धर्मः । ते मर्त्यलोके भुवि भारभूताः , मनुष्यरूपेण मृगाश्चरन्ति ॥

They who neither have knowledge nor austerity, neither wisdom nor morals, neither skills nor virtues. They are burden on this earth and are animals in human form spending time.

जिसके पास न विद्या है, न तप है, न दान है , न ज्ञान है , न शील है , न गुण है और न धर्म है ; वे मृत्युलोक पृथ्वी पर भार होते है और मनुष्य रूप तो हैं पर पशु की तरह चरते हैं (जीवन व्यतीत करते हैं ) ।
२१. दुर्जनम् प्रथमं वन्दे, सज्जनं तदनन्तरम्। मुख प्रक्षालनत् पूर्वे गुदा प्रक्षालनम् यथा ॥

First attend the people who are not so good, the the better ones. Like in the morning we wash our face after washing our rear ends :)

पहले कुटिल व्यक्तियों को प्रणाम करना चाहिये, सज्जनों को उसके बाद; जैसे मुँह धोने से पहले, गुदा धोयी जाती है ।

२२. अयं निजः परोवेति, गणना लघुचेतसाम । उदारचरितानामतु वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम् ॥

It's mine and that is other's, this is a thought of a narrow-hearted (selfish) person, For generous people this whole world is their family.

यह मेरा है, यह दूसरे का है, ऐसा छोटी बुद्धि वाले सोचते हैं; उदार चरित्र वालों के लिये तो धरती ही परिवार है ।

२३. विद्या विवादाय धनं मदाय, शक्तिः परेशाम् परपीड़नाय । खलस्य साधोर्विपरीतमेतद ज्ञानाय, दानायचरक्षणाय॥

Knowledge for altercations, Wealth for arrogance, power to harass others. But in gentlemen these traits are opposite then the miscreants, It is for wisdom, charity and to protect respectively.

विद्या विवाद के लिये, धन मद के लिये, शक्ति दूसरों को सताने के लिये, ये चीजें सज्जन लोगों में दुष्टों से उल्टी होती हैं, क्रमशः ज्ञान, दान और रक्षा के लिये ।

२४. न चौरहार्यम् न न राजहार्यम् न भ्रातृभाज्यम् न च भारकारि । व्यये कृते वर्धत एव नित्यम् विद्या धनं सर्व धनम् प्रधानम् ॥

Neither thieves can snatch it away nor the king, Neither brothers can divide it nor it is heavy. It keeps on increasing as you spend it (with others), So the wealth of knowledge is superior to all.

न चोर चुरा सकता है, न राजा छीन सकता है, न भाई बांट सकते हैं और न यह भारी है। खर्च करने पर रोज बढती है, विद्या धन सभी धनों में प्रधान है ।

२५. ताराणां भूषणम् चन्द्र, नारीणां भूषणम् पतिः । पृथिव्यां भूषणम् राज्ञः विद्या सर्वस्य भूषणम् ॥

Star's grace is the moon, Husband is the ornament for a woman. Land's grace is a king and knowledge is ornament for all (everyone).

चन्द्रमा तारों का आभूषण है, नारी का भूषण पति है । पृथ्वी का अभूषण राजा है और विद्या सभी का आभूषण है ।

२६. उत्साहसम्पन्नमदीर्घसूत्रं क्रिया विधिज्ञं व्यसनेष्वसक्तम् । शूरं कृतज्ञं दृढ सौहृतम् च लक्ष्मीः स्वयं याति निवास हेतो ॥

Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth) comes to live with him, who is full of excitement, active, posses skills and indulged in good work. Who is courageous, grateful, has solid friendship.

जो उत्साह से भरा है, आलसी नहीं है, क्रिया कुशल है और अच्छे कामों में रत है, वीर, कृतज्ञ और अच्छी मित्रता रखने वाला है, लक्ष्मी उस के साथ रहने अपने आप आती है ।

२७. आचारः परमो धर्म आचारः परमं तपः। आचारः परमं ज्ञानम् आचरात् किं न साध्यते॥

Good conduct is the highest dharma, it is the greatest penance. It is also the greatest knowledge. What can't be achieved through good conduct?

व्यवहार परम धर्म है, व्यवहार ही परम तप है, व्यवहार ही परम ज्ञान है, व्यवहार से क्या नहीं मिल सकता ।

२८. शैले शैले न माणिक्यं मौक्तिकं न गजे गजे। साधवो न हि सर्वत्र चन्दनं न वने वने॥

Every stone is not a jewel, Every elephant doesn't has gem. Gentlemen are not available everywhere Sandal doesn't exist in every forest.

हर पत्थर मणि नहीं होता, हर हाथी पर मुक्ता नहीं होता । सज्जन सभी जगह नहीं होते और चंदन हर वन में नहीं होता ।

२९. पुस्तकस्था तु या विद्या परहस्तगतं धनम्। कार्यकाले समुत्पन्ने न सा विद्या न तद् धनम्॥

Knowledge which is in book and money which is given to another one, Then when required at that time neither that knowledge nor that money can be used.

किताब में रखा ज्ञान और दूसरे को दिया धन, काम पडने पर न वह विद्या काम आती है और न वह धन ।

३०. वरमेको गुणी पुत्रः न च मूर्खशतान्यपि। एकश्चंद्रस्तमो हन्तिः न तारागणाऽपि च॥

(O God!) Give me a virtuous son, instead of hundreds of wicked. Only one moon can lighten in the dark but not all stars can do it.

मुझे एक गुणी पुत्र मिले न कि सौ मूर्ख पुत्र, एक ही चन्द्रमा अन्धेरे को खत्म करता है, सभी तारे मिल कर भी नहीं कर पाते ।

Thursday, July 11, 2013

भारतीय संख्या प्रणाली

भारतीय संख्या प्रणाली भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप की परम्परागत गिनने की प्रणाली है जो भारत में आम इस्तेमाल होती है।
गणितीय संख्या
पश्चिमी प्रणाली में
एक सौ हज़ार या मिलयन का दसवा हिस्सा
दस मिलयन
एक बिलयन
सौ बिलयन या ट्रिलयन का दसवा हिस्सा
दस ट्रिलयन
एक क्वॉड्रिलयन
सौ क्वॉड्रिलयन या क्विंटिलयन का दसवा हिस्सा
महाशंख या अल्द या उपाध
दस क्विंटिलयन
अंक या महाउपाध
एक सॅक्सटिल्यन
सौ सॅक्सटिल्यन
दस सॅप्टिलयन
एक ऑक्टिलयन
सौ ऑक्टिलयन
महा अंत
maha ant
दस नॉनिलयन
एक डॅसिलयन
सौ डॅसिलयन
महा सिंघर
maha singhar
दस अनडॅसिलयन
अदंत सिंघर
adant singhar
सौ डुओडॅसिलयन

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Speed of light in Rigveda

“Nimisharda” is a phrase used in Indian languages of Sanskrit origin while referring to something that happens/moves instantly, similar to the ‘blink of an eye’. Nimisharda means half of a nimesa. (Ardha is half)
In Sanskrit ‘Nimisha’ means ‘blink of an eye’ and Nimisharda implies within the blink of an eye. This phrase is commonly used to refer to instantaneous events.
Below is the mathematical calculations of a research done by S S De and P V Vartak on the speed of light calculated using the Rigvedic hymns and commentaries on them.
The fourth verse of the Rigvedic hymn 1:50 (50th hymn in book 1 of rigveda) is as follows:
तरणिर्विश्वदर्शतो जयोतिष्क्र्दसि सूर्य |
विश्वमा भासिरोचनम |
taraNir vishvadarshato jyotishkrdasi surya |
vishvamaa bhaasirochanam ||
which means
“Swift and all beautiful art thou, O Surya (Surya=Sun), maker of the light,
Illuming all the radiant realm.”
Commenting on this verse in his Rigvedic commentary, Sayana who was a minister in the court of Bukka of the great Vijayanagar Empire of Karnataka in South India (in early 14th century) says:
tatha ca smaryate yojananam. sahasre dve dve sate dve ca yojane
ekena nimishardhena kramaman.
which means “It is remembered here that Sun (light) traverses 2,202 yojanas in half a nimisha”
NOTE: Nimisharda= half of a nimisha
In the vedas Yojana is a unit of distance and Nimisha is a unit of time.
Unit of Time: Nimesa
The Moksha dharma parva of Shanti Parva in Mahabharata describes Nimisha as follows:
15 Nimisha = 1 Kastha
30 Kashta = 1 Kala
30.3 Kala = 1 Muhurta
30 Muhurtas = 1 Diva-Ratri (Day-Night)
We know Day-Night is 24 hours
So we get 24 hours = 30 x 30.3 x 30 x 15 nimisha
in other words 409050 nimisha
We know 1 hour = 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds
So 24 hours = 24 x 3600 seconds = 409050 nimisha
409050 nimesa = 86,400 seconds
1 nimesa = 0.2112 seconds (This is a recursive decimal! Wink of an eye=.2112 seconds!)
1/2 nimesa = 0.1056 seconds
Unit of Distance: Yojana
Yojana is defined in Chapter 6 of Book 1 of the ancient vedic text “Vishnu Purana” as follows
10 ParamAnus = 1 Parasúkshma
10 Parasúkshmas = 1 Trasarenu
10 Trasarenus = 1 Mahírajas (particle of dust)
10 Mahírajas= 1 Bálágra (hair’s point)
10 Bálágra = 1 Likhsha
10 Likhsha= 1 Yuka
1o Yukas = 1 Yavodara (heart of barley)
10 Yavodaras = 1 Yava (barley grain of middle size)
10 Yava = 1 Angula (1.89 cm or approx 3/4 inch)
6 fingers = 1 Pada (the breadth of it)
2 Padas = 1 Vitasti (span)
2 Vitasti = 1 Hasta (cubit)
4 Hastas = a Dhanu, a Danda, or pauruSa (a man’s height), or 2 Nárikás = 6 feet
2000 Dhanus = 1 Gavyuti (distance to which a cow’s call or lowing can be heard) = 12000 feet
4 Gavyutis = 1 Yojana = 9.09 miles
So now we can calculate what is the value of the speed of light in modern units based on the value given as 2202 yojanas in 1/2 nimesa
= 2202 x 9.09 miles per 0.1056 seconds
= 20016.18 miles per 0.1056 seconds
= 189547 miles per second !!
As per the modern science speed of light is 186000 miles per second !
And so I without the slightest doubt attribute the slight difference between the two values to our error in accurately translating from vedic units to SI/CGS units. Note that we have approximated 1 angula as exactly 3/4 inch. While the approximation is true, the angula is not exactly 3/4 inch.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Scientific Miracles in Hindu Scriptures

The Vedas and Puranas are the literal word of God, which He revealed to his chosen people called Aryas through sages and through Incarnations. It were written down as God went on to speak. From the day these scriptures were revealed, until this day, there has always been a huge number of Aryas and Dasuyas who have memorized all of the Vedas and Puran, letter by letter. Some of them have even been able to memorize all of the scriptures by the age of ten. Not one letter of theses scriptures has been changed over the centuries. Arays hold the oldest literature that is unchanged till date. Moguls tried, British tried but in vain.

Vedas and Puranas, which were revealed second time 6,000 years ago centuries ago, mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists.

Sphericity of Earth:

The existence of rather advanced concepts like the sphericity of Earth and the cause of seasons is quite clear in Vedic literature. For example, the Aitareya Brahmana (3.44) declares:
The Sun does never set nor rise. When people think the Sun is setting it is not so. For after having arrived at the end of the day it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making night to what is below and day to what is on the other sideHaving reached the end of the night, it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making day to what is below and night to what is on the other side. In fact, the Sun never sets.

Shape of Earth is like an Oblate Spheroid. (Rig VedaXXX. IV.V)

Earth is flattened at the poles’ (Markandeya Purana 54.12)

"Sixty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together. The Sanskrit speaking Aryans subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era when the Greeks believed in a flat one. The Indians of the fifth century A.D. calculated the age of the earth as 4.3 billion years; scientists in 19th century England were convinced it was 100 million years."

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Polar Days and Nights
For the period when the sun is north it is visible for six months at the north pole and invisible at the south, and vice versa. - (Ibid Sutara)

Now Lets see what modern science says about this:
June 21, 1999: Later today, at 19:49 UT (3:49 p.m. EDT), Earth's north pole points more directly at the Sun than at any other time during the year. For polar bears and other denizens of the Arctic it will be noontime, the middle of a 6-month long day, as the Sun climbs to 23 1/2 degrees above the horizon.
June 21st marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. In the North it's the longest day of the year. At mid-latitudes there is sunlight for over 16 hours. Above the Arctic Circle the sun doesn't set at all!

"He made this Earth fixed by different devices like hills and mountains in shape of pegs but it still rotates . Sun never sets; all parts of earth are not in Darkness." [RIG VEDA]

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Now lets see what Hindu scriptures say about the movement of earth:

"Earth rotates in two ways by the Will of Brahama, first it rotates on its axis secondly it revolves around sun. Days and Nights are distinguished when moves on its axis. Season change when it revolves around Sun". (Vishnu Puran)

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"There are suns in all directions, the night sky being full of them." (Rig Veda)
Now lets see what what the modern sceince says:
In the 1920s astronomers realised that our island universe, the Milky Way Galaxy, is not alone in space. Outside it are other galaxies, each containing thousands of millions of suns. One of these other galaxies is visible to the naked eye, as a faint fuzzy blob in the constellation of Andromeda. The Andromeda galaxy is similar in size and shape to the Milky Way and is our galaxy's nearest neighbour, 2 million light years (20000000000000000000000 km) away. Further away are other galaxies, too faint for the eye to see. With powerful telescopes, millions have been photographed. Remarkably, all the galaxies are fleeing from one another: the whole Universe is expanding. This is one of the key pieces of evidence that about 15000 million years ago, there was a beginning to the Universe, an immense explosion we call the Big Bang. The debris from the explosion is still flying apart. Earth is one of the cinders.

A distant cluster of galaxies. Each galaxy contains
about a 100000 million suns.

Because each galaxy contains about 100000 million suns, galaxies can be seen to enormous distances, and they light up the distant universe for us.

This is one Glaxy, there are many of such glaxies scattered in our Universe

The Coma Cluster of Galaxies
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There are planets in all directions, but only visible in night sky (Rig Veda)

Now lets see what Modern Science says:
A galaxy is a giant assembly of many stars. We live on a planet which is in a group of 9 planets orbiting a star in one such assembly, a spiral galaxy we call the Milky Way (from the old Latin name Via Lactea). There are an estimated 50-100 billion galaxies in the Universe. Each galaxy has millions or billions of stars like our Sun, or bigger, smaller, newer, older, colder, hotter, exploding or imploding. It comprise of Millions of Planets like ours, or bigger, smaller, newer, older or hotter.

Recently, astronomers have detected planets circling stars in our galaxy. Hard evidence (not just probability) is every day accruing that many other stars in the Universe have planets around them.Modern scientists' comments:
Hinduism is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. The Hindu literature is work of a Genius.
(Dr. Steinn Sigurdsson, Pennsylvania State University)

It looks like that the writers of Vedas and Puran came from the future to deliver knowledge. The works of the Ancient Arya Sages is mind blowing. There is no doubt that Purans and Vedas are word of God.
(Scott Sandford , Space Scientist, NASA)

How could Hindus (Aryas) have possibly known all this 6,000 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment which did not exist at that time? Such concepts were found only recently.
(Dr. Kevin Hurley of the University of California at Berkeley)

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Blue Sky is Nothing but scattered sunlight (Markandeya Purana 78.8)

Now lets see what Modern Science says about it:
The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.

However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue

As you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white

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Nothing in Brahmand is immovable (Sam Veda)


"Earth is divided in many plates as much as 14 of them in present Manavatara." (Brahmand Purana)

In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble used the 100" telescope (2.5 meters) at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California to detect variable stars in nebulae. He discovered that the stars he observed had the same characteristic variations in their brightness as a class of stars called Cepheid Variables. Earlier, astronomer Henrietta Levitt had shown there was a precise correlation between the periodic change in brightness of a Cepheid Variable and its luminosity. Hubble was able use this correlation to show that the nebulae containing the variable stars he observed were not within our own Galaxy; they were external galaxies far beyond the edge of our Milky Way.

Earth's Major Plates:

The current continental and oceanic plates include: the Eurasian plate, Australian-Indian plate, Philippine plate, Pacific plate, Juan de Fuca plate, Nazca plate, Cocos plate, North American plate, Caribbean plate, South American plate, African plate, Arabian plate, the Antarctic plate, and the Scotia plate. These plates consist of smaller sub-plates.
All the information that we have today is already mentioned in Vedas and Puranas suggesting they came from some one who is controlling the Entire Universe.Origin of Universe

Hindu concepts of Hiranyagarbha (golden womb) and Brahmanda (the first egg), are comparable to cosmic egg origin systems. The Bhagavata Purana, Brahmanda Purana, Vayu Purana among others contain references to the initial process of the origins of the universe as a cosmic egg. The twelve phase creation of the universe and the history of our Brahmanda is described in Srimad Bhagvatam.

The Hiranyagarbha Sukta announces: Hiranyagarbhah samavartatagre bhutasya jatah patireka asit, which means, Before creation existed the golden womb Hiranyagarbha, Lord of everything born. (Rig Veda 10.121.1)

The whole universe including sun, moon, planets, and galaxies was all inside the egg, and the egg was surrounded by ten qualities from outside. (Vayu Purana 4.74-75)

Before creation, it was only the braham that was everywhere. There was no day, night or sky. First I created the waters. And in the waters I sowed the seeds of brahmanda. the great egg. From this seed there developed a egg which began to float on the waters. This egg is known as Brahamand (Universe)

Now lets see what Modern Science says about it:

This is the structure of the Universe created by scientists after a research of many years. If we take a look at the COBE results, we notice the uneven pattern in the radiation stemming from the decoupling of matter and radiation when the Universe was a mere 300,000 years old. The blue and magenta patterns represent areas that were slightly cooler and slightly warmer than average. These variations are at a level of about 1:100,000, but they must have been enough to seed the structures we see today.

Finally we came to conclusion that Universe is shaped like a egg but this information was already present in Hindu Literature.
(Alan Kogut, NASA)


Protection of Earth

After the formation of the earth planet, Brahama created atmosphere in group of seven , from that formation oceans began to exist, and the first form of life appeared on the earth planet. Atmosphere was created as protective skin of earth (Shrimad Bhagwatam)

"Amazing isnt it Vedas and Puaran are divine source of knwoledg" said Dr. Donald Mitchell of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. It is hard to believe that these facts were already mentioned in hindu books thousands of years back, in the time when Human didnt knew much about Astronomy.

The Vishnu Purana gives a quite an accurate description of tides:
"In all the oceans the water remains at all times the same in quantity and never increases or diminishes; but like the water in a cauldron, which in consequence of its combination with heat, expands, so the waters of the ocean swell with the increase of the Moon. The waters, although really neither more nor less, dilate or contract as the Moon increases or wanes in the light and dark fortnights"..

About Creation of Moon

Theia colliding with Earth.

"In the initial stage of creation of Universe some creation material slipped from the hands of Brahma and collided with earth resulting in the formation of Moon".
(Brahmand Purana)

Now lets see what Modern Science says

The Giant Impact, as pictured in a painting by William K. Hartmann
on the cover of Natural History Magazine in 1981. Copyright William K. Hartmann

The idea in a nutshell:
At the time Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago, other smaller planetary bodies were also growing. One of these hit earth late in Earth's growth process, blowing out rocky debris. A fraction of that debris went into orbit

Sixty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together. The Sanskrit speaking Aryans subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era when the Greeks believed in a flat one. The Indians of the fifth century A.D. calculated the age of the earth as 4.3 billion years; scientists in 19th Century England were convinced it was 100 million years.

You can use Bhagvat Purana or other scriptures that gives in detail the time period of each "Yuga" and when you add them up it will tell us the age of EARTH.

References Below:

Vishnu Purana Book 1, chapter 3, gives a detailed calculations of Time era or Yugas.
The Hindu cosmological time cycles are described in verses 11–23 of Chapter 1, Surya Siddhanta

More below:

Mahabharata, Shanti Parva, 231.12-20
Mahabharata, Shanti Parva, 231.21-22
Mahabharata, Shanti Parva, 231.29-32
Vishnu Purana, 1.3
Bhagavata Purana, 3.11.19
Bhagavad Gita, 8.17
Vayu Purana, 57
About Gravitaional forces, refer to
If we refer to Shukla Yajur Veda Chapter III, verse six it plainly describes the fact that the earth rotates around the sun in the sky.

Ayam gauh pRshnirakkramId asadan mAtram purah pitaram cha prayantsvah
It is evident how the spherical planet comprised of the elements of earth, water and fire (energy) dynamically rotates around the all-protecting sun whilst suspended in the universe through a force of attraction (gravity) giving rise to the multitude of time periods including day and night, phases of the moon, seasons, solstices and years.”

The fact that the earth revolves is obvious from the very name for the earth (gauh) from root √gam (since it rotates).

Furthermore, that the satellites (moon and other celestial bodies) are held in their orbits in the sky by their mutual gravitational force is mentioned in these richas from Rig-Veda:

“YadA suryamamun divi shukram jyotiradhArayah, maditte vishva bhuvanAni yemire
(Rig Mandal 8 Ch. 12 verse 30)
‘Oh Indra (all sustaining Lord) through establishing the all illuminating and powerful sun you maintain control over all cosmic bodies through mutual forces.’

This demonstrates that all the constellations are maintained and controlled by mutual energy. Another half-verse from the seventh mandal chapter ten of the same samhita,

“vyastamnAdrodasi mitro” verifies this also and there are numerous other examples one could mention.


Moon does not have its own light
The fact that the moon has no inherent light was unknown to early westerners and yet the Atharva Samhita (XIV. 1.1) expression relates:

“Divi soma adhi shrutih” ‘The moon depends upon the rays from the sun (sunlight).

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Veda is an ocean and there within lies a vast resource of knowledge describing a myriad of physical, metaphysical and philosophical phenomena.

Not only is the creation of the universe intimated in great detail, it discusses the period even before the ‘Big-Bang’, which have only recently been postulated by the likes of Professor Hawking and other scientists in the west.


The list of scientific facts is endless in Hindu Scriptures..

Now it is time for Indian scientists to document the findings of those yogis, scientifically and once again lead humanity towards DHARM!